Share a reconstruction product
You can share a reconstruction product after it is generated. Use the Share tool to customize the sharing settings for the product.
You must be signed in to an ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal to share a reconstruction product.
To share a reconstruction product, complete the following steps:
In the Project Tree pane, select the reconstruction containing the product to share.
On the Reconstruction tab, click Share
The Share pane appears.
Click the Specify Product to Share drop-down arrow, and click the product you want to share.
Type a name for the reconstruction product in the Name text box.
Type a summary for the reconstruction product in the Summary text box or accept the default value.
Type at least one tag to describe the reconstruction product in the Tag text box or accept the default value.
Use commas to separate tags.
You can enter a maximum of 128 tags.
Under Target Portal Folder, specify an existing folder or type the name of a new folder.
Under Set Sharing Level, choose Private, Organization, or Everyone.
Optionally, under Set Group Sharing select groups to share the product with.
Click Share.
The share task appears in the Process Manager pane to track its progress.
The reconstruction product is uploaded to the specified portal with the specified sharing configuration.