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What's new in ArcGIS Reality Studio 2024.3

See what's new and improved in Reality Studio 2024.3.


Have more control and editing capability with Geometries.

Create and edit geometries

Create and edit a Region of Interest, Water Body, or Correction geometry within the application without the need for additional software.

Define the elevation in two ways for new and existing geometries:

  • Get heights from an elevation source layer with the world elevation terrain or a computed DSM within the same project

  • Set a constant height with a user specified elevation value

New water body handling

Without water body geometries, and with coarse water body geometries.

Left: Image displaying a scene of water without water body geometries. Right: Image displaying a scene of water with coarse water body geometries.The continuous motion of water bodies combined with changing reflection conditions can produce artefacts within your reconstructions. Water body geometries can eliminate this effect by introducing manually defined surfaces into the reconstruction process.

Water body geometries previously had to be pixel-accurate which can require considerable manual effort and time. Pixel-accurate Water Bodies can still be used in a reconstruction.

An additional new method for handling water body geometries allows the user to provide coarse geometries that fully encompass the water surfaces. Water surfaces are automatically detected in the reconstruction.


Process reconstructions faster and with improved quality.

Quality improvements

Improvements have been made in the 3D mesh generation algorithm to retain more detail. More thin structures are now visible in the full resolution mesh.

Streaming and visualization of 3D meshes has been improved when viewing them at different zoom levels.

Point clouds retain more details and are sampled at a higher and more uniform density pattern.

Efficiently re-process results

After an initial reconstruction has been completed, Correction or Water Body geometries can be applied to areas that need improvements and only the affected areas of the project are automatically re-processed to incorporate the changes into the reconstruction results.

More products with Aerial Oblique scenario type

When processing a reconstruction with the Aerial Oblique scenario the DSM and True Ortho products can be added to the same reconstruction. The DSM and True Ortho are consistent with the generated mesh.

Color Balancing

Image of color balancing in Reality Studio 2024.2 and 2024.3.

Left: Color balancing in Reality Studio 2024.2. Right: Color balancing in Reality Studio 2024.3.

True Ortho, DSM Mesh, and Mesh benefit from more consistent color balancing across the dataset. Radiometric differences caused by variable lighting or atmospheric conditions in capture sessions are minimized.


  • Improved display of reconstruction processing stages in the Job Monitor to allow better tracking of job progress and scheduled reconstructions.

  • Additional products or the same products in a different format can be created by leveraging existing intermediate results to reduce processing times.

  • Customize the tile size used for processing. This affects the resulting tile size of generated products and enables you to tailor the product generation to your project needs.

  • Eliminate distortion effects when viewing raster products by visualizing in a nadir view with a parallel projection drawing mode.

Data management

Easily orchestrate what data is inside and seen in a Reality Studio project.

Delete data

Work efficiently by being able to delete unwanted components of a project. Data in datasets, alignments, or results can now be deleted from the Project Tree. To protect the project's integrity, a warning will appear if the data is used in further steps.

Easily visualize different data

Toggle individual layers and groups to switch between input data, alignment or even reconstruction results. Additionally, filter the visualization pane to quickly reveal specific layers.

Edit spatial references

The spatial reference of Capture Sessions, Geometries and Control Points can now be edited.


Improved performance and memory consumption with alignments.

Memory Optimization when processing an Alignment

Memory consumption is improved to guarantee a responsive user interface and quick processing of further refinement steps.


  • When creating a new capture session from an ASCII text file the unit used for angular values can be specified as degrees, radians, or gradians.

  • Select specific control points directly from the globe view in the image measurement tool and change their role or toggle their use for the alignment process.