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Create and edit a reconstruction

You can generate raster and 3D products by creating a reconstruction and processing it in a workspace. A reconstruction uses camera sessions as input as well as region of interest, water body, and correction geometries. Processing a reconstruction can generate digital surface model (DSM), True Ortho, DSM mesh, point cloud, and 3D mesh products.

Create a reconstruction

To create a reconstruction, complete the following steps:

  1. On the ribbon, click the Home tab, and click New Reconstruction .

  2. Type a name for the reconstruction in the Reconstruction Name text box.

  3. From the Capture Scenario drop-down menu, choose the scenario that best fits the camera sessions used as input to the reconstruction.


    The Aerial Nadir scenario requires values for Forward Overlap and Sideward Overlap.

    DSM Metainformation and DSM Mesh products are only available in the Aerial Nadir scenario.

  4. In the Camera Sessions section, choose at least one camera session.

    • Previously aligned camera sessions are in their respective alignment.

    • Check a capture session to automatically check all the camera sessions in it.

  5. In the Products section, choose the products to reconstruct.


    Each reconstruction scenario has default products.

    Raster products require that you specify a custom output raster pixel size. Mesh products require that you specify the output formats.

  6. Under Workspace, click Browse , choose the workspace where the reconstruction will be processed, and click OK.

    You can either specify a path to an existing workspace or choose an empty folder. Reality Studio will automatically create the required folder structure. If you plan to contribute to this reconstruction from other machines, ensure that the workspace as well as all input data is available from the network.


    A default workspace can be defined in the General section of the Options dialog box.

  7. Expand the Optional section, if necessary, and do the following:

    1. Choose Ultra or High for the quality.

      The Ultra option results in the best quality; the High option results in faster processing.

    2. Choose Region of Interest from the drop-down.

    3. Choose Water Body Geometries from the drop-down and specify their Type.


      Learn more about water body correction and the types of geometries.

    4. Choose Correction Geometries from the drop-down.

    5. Specify the Tile Size of the tiling scheme.


      Learn more about tile size.

    6. Under Tiling Origin, provide the coordinates for the raster and point cloud products in the X and Y boxes.

  8. Click Create.

    Alternatively, click the Create drop-down arrow to find the following options:

    • Create and Submit—Create the reconstruction and add it to the workspace.

    • Create, Submit and Start Contribution—Create the reconstruction, add it to the workspace, and start contributing.

The reconstruction is created and appears in the Project Tree pane.

Tile size

You can define the tiling scheme for your raster and point cloud products when creating the reconstruction. You can specify the output raster pixel size, tile size, and tiling origin settings. This means results can meet desired specifications without the need for additional postprocessing operations.

An important factor to consider when specifying manual tile size is that it can lead to lower performance or require more hardware resources to generate.

General recommendations for maximum tile sizes based on hardware resources are listed below.


Recommended for nadir scenario

Recommended for oblique scenario


Max. 2000 x output raster pixel size

Max. 4000 x output raster pixel size

128GB or more

Max. 5000 x output raster pixel size

Max. 4000 x output raster pixel size


The tile size entered needs to be a multiple of the raster pixel size.

Edit a reconstruction

Edit reconstruction settings

To edit the reconstruction settings, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Project Tree pane, choose a reconstruction to edit.

  2. On the Reconstruction tab, click Settings .

  3. Edit the reconstruction settings as needed.

    Changing some settings can cause the reconstruction to reset. This permanently deletes all of its data from disk.

  4. Click Save.

  5. On the warning dialog box that appears, click OK.

The reconstruction is updated.

Improve reconstruction results

After processing of a reconstruction has finished, it is possible to change the geometry files used as input and apply the changes to the reconstruction. Reality Studio will then evaluate the changes and determine processing steps that need to be repeated so that these changes are incorporated into the results of the reconstruction.

Complete the following steps to apply changes to a reconstruction:

  1. In the Project Tree pane, choose the reconstruction you want to apply changes to.

  2. On the Reconstruction tab, click Edit Geometries and select the geometry you want to edit.

  3. Use the editing tools on the Edit tab to modify the features.

  4. On the editing toolbar, click Finish .

  5. On the Edit tab, in the Manage Edits group, click Save.

    Changes to the input data are detected and buttons to apply the changes appear in elements where these geometries have been used.

  6. In the Project Tree pane, click on the Apply changes button of the reconstruction where you want to apply the changes.

  7. On the warning message, click Apply Changes.

    The reconstruction is updated and automatically resubmitted to the workspace.

New tasks are added to the original reconstruction job, which is processed according to its position within the workspace queue. Once processing has completed, the update results can be visualized within Reality Studio.